Kunstkamera (July 28)

In the Kunstkamera section, we briefly talk about the most interesting loaded games that have been released over the past few weeks. Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Wiware and DSIWARE, Apple App Store – independent projects regularly appear in all these networks that are not in the main sections of our site, but we are not entitled to be silent. In this issue: learn to hold a candle, follow the amazing adventures of the anus man, we participate in a television book Pearl Harbor Trilogy – 1941: Red Sun Riding Genre: Arcade Avia Simulator Developer: Legendo Entertainment Platform: WIIWARE Price: 700 NP WITH Attack on Pearl Harbor Some of you are probably familiar: a few years ago on RS, she performed in the unsinkable genre "good and cheap". This is a simple aircraft system with two buttons control, which nevertheless allowed, like in some IL-2 Stormavik, lay a dead loop, shoot everyone from a double turning or desperately go to a ram. Plus additional nonsense: it was allowed, for example, to fly in a centimeter from the cruiser's deck, dropping the bomb, and remain whole! In between Trash-Ugar-cute comics with a flat soldier's humor. Obviously, deciding that in the PC, where in the budget sector for years they have been successfully kept City Interactive , there is nothing more to catch, the authors transferred the game to WII, and almost in its original form. Of course, there are enough new missions (although the topic is the same: the second world, Pacific campaign), but the concept was not touched at all. The same comics, the same twist in the air, chattering machine guns and funny explosions – they didn’t even redraw the cover. The nearest analogue here is series Blazing Angels , only burns and explodes one and a half times less often, and giant airships, alas, are not provided at all. If we take into account that Blazing Angels herself seriously loses the series Ace Combat , You might think that Pearl Harbor is not worth it, but no: the game has blossomed with new colors on Wii. Management is perfectly adapted to Khimout: gracefully waving the controller, you can do everything three times faster and more precisely than with the help of a mouse. However, Red Sun Ring flies too fast (in an hour with a trifle!), and this is one of its main problems: it is assumed that this is only the first episode, and soon there will be two additional sets of missions on Wiiware, but I don’t really want to buy such a game by pieces. Grade: 5.0 Family Feud: 2010 Edition Genre: Quiz Developer: Ludia Platforms: PSN, WIIWARE, IPHONE Price: $ 10 Family Feud – One of the oldest and most popular American television studies, an analogue on domestic television – “one hundred to one” with Alexander Gurevich. If anything, the essence is as follows: the organizers of the transfer in advance ask a hundred accidentally chosen people very non -obvious questions (for example, “why did the non -GRA come to the solarium?"), Count the options and the number of answers, and the task of the players in the studio is to guess the most popular of them. The team, which scored more points in a tour of several rounds, participates in a tour called Fast Money (we have a “big game”): there you also need to guess the most popular answers to five questions, only now you need to meet in a miserable fifteen seconds. The main difference between “one hundred to one” and the actual feud itself – we have a “game on the contrary” tour, where we need to guess the least popular answer. The home analogue of Family Feud has been shining more than once, it seems, on all existing platforms, and 2010 Edition is distinguished only by a set of questions that are not enough here – they begin to repeat in a couple of hours. However, the developers managed to ruin such a funny television game with completely childish mistakes. For example, it is necessary to drive the answer on the digital keyboard in just 20 seconds, and, accordingly, there is no time to think at all at all. You are also not informed by the most popular answers at the FAST Money stage, although in television it is a holy work. The questions themselves are finally boring, and the answers to them are even more boring: a persistent impression is created that the authors did not interview any people, but simply wrote the first thing that came to their mind. Grade: 4.5 Cool-OH Adventurr Genre: Platformer Developer: Aitoons Develop Platform: iPhone Price: $ 1.99 Creators Cool-OH Adventurr They clearly knew how to make a player: after all, not every day on the App Store you can see a game with a title image in the form of hairy buttocks in a hat and trousers. The hero of this game seemed to escape from the miniature "Sheril and the anus" from the animated series "Gryffins". Or from the series "South Park" about "polarity syndrome" and Ben Affleck. In a word, you realized – this is a really straightforward ass that imagines herself Indiana Jones: a whip, a brown hat, a shirt – everything is as it should be. According to Cool-OH gameplay is the most condo platformer that you can imagine: it looks a little like Super Mario Bros. (the hero often and with pleasure descends himself into the toilet to surfacing in a completely different place), but much stronger – on EarthWorm Jim. With the help of a whip, a militant sciatic can cling to special rings, fly over the abysses and smash enemies. In addition, some golden beans that need to be collected are scattered everywhere, but the ultimate goal is to get to the most important toilet and go to the next level. Copropothematics in the game is generally represented very colorful and versatile. The hero restores health with suspicious tubes with cream, if you click

Kunstkamera (July 28) Lire la suite »